Tagalog Positions
loob |
interior, inside |
sa/nasa loob ng |
inside |
labas |
exterior, outside |
sa/nasa labas ng |
outside |
loob |
interior, inside |
sa/nasa loob ng |
inside |
labas |
exterior, outside |
sa/nasa labas ng |
outside |
harap harapan |
front |
sa/nasa harap ng sa/nasa harapan ng |
in front of |
tapat |
front (place facing the front of) |
sa/nasa tapat ng |
in front of, facing the front of |
likod likuran |
back |
sa/nasa likod ng sa/nasa likuran ng |
behind |
harap harapan |
front |
sa/nasa harap ng sa/nasa harapan ng |
in front of |
tapat |
front (place facing the front of) |
sa/nasa tapat ng |
in front of, facing the front of |
likod likuran |
back |
sa/nasa likod ng sa/nasa likuran ng |
behind |
tabi gilid |
side |
sa/nasa tabi ng sa/nasa gilid ng |
beside |
kanan |
right |
sa/nasa kanan ng |
on/to the right of |
kaliwa’ |
left |
sa/nasa kaliwa’ ng |
on/to the left of |
kabila’ |
other side |
sa/nasa kabila’ ng |
on the other side of |
tabi gilid |
side |
sa/nasa tabi ng sa/nasa gilid ng |
beside |
kanan |
right |
sa/nasa kanan ng |
on/to the right of |
kaliwa’ |
left |
sa/nasa kaliwa’ ng |
on/to the left of |
kabila’ |
other side |
sa/nasa kabila’ ng |
on the other side of |
ibabaw |
place above |
sa/nasa ibabaw ng |
on top of |
ilalim |
place beneath |
sa/nasa ilalim ng |
below, under |
itaas taas |
upper part, upstairs, higher up |
sa/nasa itaas ng sa/nasa taas ng |
in the upper part of, at the top of |
ibaba’ baba’ |
lower part, downstairs, lower down |
sa/nasa ibaba’ ng sa/nasa baba’ ng |
in the lower part of, at the bottom of |
ibabaw |
place above |
sa/nasa ibabaw ng |
on top of |
ilalim |
place beneath |
sa/nasa ilalim ng |
below, under |
itaas taas |
upper part, upstairs, higher up |
sa/nasa itaas ng sa/nasa taas ng |
in the upper part of, at the top of |
ibaba’ baba’ |
lower part, downstairs, lower down |
sa/nasa ibaba’ ng sa/nasa baba’ ng |
in the lower part of, at the bottom of |
gitna’ |
middle |
sa/nasa gitna’ ng |
in the middle of |
pagitan |
space between |
sa/nasa pagitan ng |
between |
dulo |
end |
sa/nasa dulo ng |
at the end of |
kanto |
(street) corner |
sa/nasa kanto ng |
at the corner of |
gitna’ |
middle |
sa/nasa gitna’ ng |
in the middle of |
pagitan |
space between |
sa/nasa pagitan ng |
between |
dulo |
end |
sa/nasa dulo ng |
at the end of |
kanto |
(street) corner |
sa/nasa kanto ng |
at the corner of |
Nasa ilalim ng kama ang pusa’. |
The cat is under the bed. |
Natutulog sa ilalim ng kama ang pusa’. |
The cat is sleeping under the bed. |
See also: Nasa (p. 255), Sa (p. 257), Ng phrase (p. 59)
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